Monthly Archives: April 2010

Writing again

[Bahasa Indonesia]

*hugs my blog. It’s been a long time*

“I have so many things to share but I just cannot get myself to write them down. I don’t know why,” said I to a friend on one fine afternoon in Jakarta.

“Just write about your writer’s block then,” he advised.

Yeah, perhaps I should. Hence, this note.

The block really started when I read through my recent notes and compared them to my notes from back in 2005-2006. I found myself liking my notes from 2005 rather than the recent ones. Interesting to notice how I have evolved. Circular but not really.

Somehow my words felt simpler, lighter and more heartfelt back then. I wrote about everyday life and everyday feelings. I was deep inside myself yet I am still in touch with the surroundings. I wrote about everyday experience and interaction and how they made me feel. My impressions.

Don’t get me wrong. This is neither blame nor regret. Perhaps I just needed a break. Perhaps it is an invitation to allow that side of me to express itself again. Perhaps, no further examination is necessary. Simply, it is what it is. Es lo que es.

.celebrating the everyday life that is my true miracle.