Monthly Archives: November 2014

Ketika menjenguk teman sakit

Tiga hari ini menemani saudara yang menunggui anggota keluarganya yang sedang dirawat di rumah sakit. Alhamdulillah banyak teman dan kerabat yang menjenguk.

Banyak penjenguk yang pada saat itu juga di kamar rawat bertanya tentang penyakit yang diderita, sudah dilakukan tindakan apa saja, dan memberikan masukan tentang tindakan yang sudah atau sebaiknya dilakukan. Tentu maksudnya baik. Continue reading


“Honesty.” The word was offered by a friend as a topic for a blog post. I sat with it almost the whole day today. What I realised is that I know very little of what it means. What kept coming up were two words: Truth, and Heart.

How interesting.

To many, myself included, being honest means to not lie. To say what we think — never mind the consequences, or whether it is hurting those around us or even ourselves.

But is that what honesty really means? Or is there more to it than just saying bluntly what’s on top of our mind, or gut? Is what we feel really what we feel or is it only what we think we feel? If it is not, are we then still expressing honesty? Is there any difference between blurting out our pain body and honesty? Are you with me on this?
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Conversation “in peace with progress”

Dear friends,

Self knowledge is essential to human life. If one is consistent in investigating and walking one’s own natural preference, interest, and talents, and moves according to one’s heart, then one would be according to what is believed to be human being’s original intention of existence: to be a blessing, i.e. beneficial, to the universe.

The refreshing dynamics that is happening in Indonesia is but an example of such manifestation. A person that surrenders (i.e is willing to flow with life) does not mean that they will not change a thing. In fact, because they are guided by the heart and pay keen attention to their surrounding, they are able to move efficiently and effectively, benefiting themselves and those around them. This is real, and not a mere concept.

We see more and more figures, government as well as non-government, spring as examples of such phenomenon. Creating a snowball effect, making bigger collective impacts. At the same time, curiosity and questions arise: What is actually happening? Does not-surrendering conflict with the desire to change? Does restlessness mean not surrendering? How does each of us respond to this, especially when we want to be an active part of this dynamics? What does it mean to each of us?

To take a closer look at this interesting and crucial phenomenon and share its personal meaning to us, Beshara would like to invite you to participate in a conversation themed “in peace with progress”, which would be held on:
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014
Time: 09.30-15.00
Place: Jl. Martimbang, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

With prominent speakers:
Tri Mumpuni, Executive Director, People-centered Business and Economic Initiative (IBEKA) (in confirmation)
Felia Salim, Wakil Direktur Utama, BNI
Nico Kanter, CEO, Vale Indonesia
Arief Aziz, Director,
Nila Tanzil, Pendiri, Taman Bacaan Pelangi

The conversation will be facilitated by Peter Young, Principal of the Beshara School.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conversation. For confirmation and further info, kindly contact us through

Kind regards,
Beshara SEA