Category Archives: Beshara

Invite: Ibn Arabi Study Week

Dear friends,

We are very pleased to share with you that Beshara SEA will be conducting a nine-day Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus Study Retreat on December 3-11, 2016.

The study will be of selected passages from “The Wisdom of Spirituality in the word of Jacob”, a chapter from Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al Hikam book.

Avi Abadi, who has been a student of the work of Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi for many years and is currently based in the UK, will facilitate the course.

The course is a residential retreat, starting on Saturday morning (Dec 3, 10AM) and running until after lunch on the following Sunday (Dec 11, 2PM). The timetable will incorporate meditation, study, conversation, devotional practice, private contemplation and service.

The course will take place near Jakarta (Details of the venue to be advised on later dates). The fee is Rp 4 million, including accommodation and all meals.

This retreat course is opened to all who wish to attend it.

Applicants who are not familiar with Ibn Arabi’s terminology and central themes of the Fusus al Hikam, however, need to be advised that the ideas that will be presented and discussed on the course will be demanding.

As Ibn ‘Arabi wrote, “Retreat brings knowledge of the world” — this Beshara course, in the spirit of active and intentional retreat, aims to open a space for real knowledge to emerge through all dimensions of the retreat, be it focused study, devotional practice, private contemplation or service. All of these dimensions are held in equal regard as each is a direct way to be of service to Reality, to our fellow human beings and to the world.

We look forward to welcoming you to this valuable course. Please feel free to contact us at should you have further questions or would like to participate.


Beshara SEA


About The Fusus al Hikam

This seminal work by Ibn ‘Arabi, dating from the 13th century, describes the meaning of universal human spirituality through the medium of 27 prophetic figures, from Adam through Abraham, Moses and others to Jesus and Mohammed. Ibn ‘Arabi’s aim is to show how each of these luminary figures exemplified a particular wisdom available to mankind; a harmonious vision of reality which integrates differences without destroying them. Themes that arise range from explorations of uniqueness, fate and destiny, the place of worship and devotion, praise and service and the role of mankind. To read this book is to encounter the full scope of what it means to be truly human.






Giving birth to Peace


Stillness –

2015’s Dec 24 is commemorated as the birth of Muhammad (PBUH), while the next day, Dec 25, is Christmas – originated from the words “Cristes moesse” or ‘the mass or festival of Christ’- a celebration of the birth of Christ.

The birth of two great individuals of all time, commemorated side by side. This sends a strong message to the Universe. And to me, the message is the (re)birth of Peace. Continue reading

Saint Gregory dari Nyssa: Sebuah paparan Edward Hallinan

Paparan ini pertama kali saya dengar ketika dibacakan oleh penulisnya, Edward Hallinan, saat saya mengikuti program enam bulan pertama di Beshara School, Skotlandia. Dari awal dibacakan hingga akhir, saya luruh.

Edward membawakan paparan tersebut layaknya seorang pecinta yang tengah membacakan surat cinta tentang dan untuk sang kekasih, dengan segala keberadaan dan kerinduan yang teramat sangat.

Hingga sekarang pun, setiap saya merindu untuk bisa ‘mendengar’, saya memutar ulang rekaman paparan tersebut.

Sekitar satu minggu yang lalu, saya tergerak untuk menerjemahkan paparan yang demikian indah ini. Entah kenapa dan entah dari mana ide tersebut muncul. Mungkin bukan saat dan tempatnya bagi saya bertanya kenapa. Rasanya ada pesan yang ingin, perlu, dan mendesak untuk didengar — oleh saya; oleh kita semua.

Tentu, apa yang saya tulis ini masih bisa terus disempurnakan.

Semoga dapat didengar dan dinikmati sebagaimana mestinya.

Establishment of the soul

Chis events bannerWhen friends asked me about my biggest learning from my six month courses at Beshara, UK, I used to say: “I have become more of myself. I have allowed myself to become however I am at each moment, more so than before. “ Always. The same answer to the same question.

That is, until recently. Last week a friend posed that question. I’d like to say “that question again,” but that’s not entirely the case – yes, I have been asked that question several times, but, no, not from him, and not at that particular time (in life).

That time, I let the question seep into myself a bit more. “Yes, what have I learned?” I asked myself quietly and waited for the response. There it was. A different response crept up. A fresh response to a fresh question.
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Conversation “in peace with progress”

Dear friends,

Self knowledge is essential to human life. If one is consistent in investigating and walking one’s own natural preference, interest, and talents, and moves according to one’s heart, then one would be according to what is believed to be human being’s original intention of existence: to be a blessing, i.e. beneficial, to the universe.

The refreshing dynamics that is happening in Indonesia is but an example of such manifestation. A person that surrenders (i.e is willing to flow with life) does not mean that they will not change a thing. In fact, because they are guided by the heart and pay keen attention to their surrounding, they are able to move efficiently and effectively, benefiting themselves and those around them. This is real, and not a mere concept.

We see more and more figures, government as well as non-government, spring as examples of such phenomenon. Creating a snowball effect, making bigger collective impacts. At the same time, curiosity and questions arise: What is actually happening? Does not-surrendering conflict with the desire to change? Does restlessness mean not surrendering? How does each of us respond to this, especially when we want to be an active part of this dynamics? What does it mean to each of us?

To take a closer look at this interesting and crucial phenomenon and share its personal meaning to us, Beshara would like to invite you to participate in a conversation themed “in peace with progress”, which would be held on:
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014
Time: 09.30-15.00
Place: Jl. Martimbang, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta

With prominent speakers:
Tri Mumpuni, Executive Director, People-centered Business and Economic Initiative (IBEKA) (in confirmation)
Felia Salim, Wakil Direktur Utama, BNI
Nico Kanter, CEO, Vale Indonesia
Arief Aziz, Director,
Nila Tanzil, Pendiri, Taman Bacaan Pelangi

The conversation will be facilitated by Peter Young, Principal of the Beshara School.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conversation. For confirmation and further info, kindly contact us through

Kind regards,
Beshara SEA

A talk on Love

A talk I gave towards the end of my first six month course in the Beshara School, UK.

“You must love”
A beautiful poem by Hazreti Uftade.

You have to come soon to the Real
You have to find His wise ones
If you truly cannot find them
With all your soul and with all your heart,
You must love.

Those who have loved have found them
Their souls have reached the Real (God)
Their faith has become whole
With all your soul and with all your heart,
You must love.

Always trace out their tracks
Listen to their beautiful discourse
If you say you would like to see their faces
With all your soul and with all your heart,
You must love

This dervish, this unhappy Uftade,
Has become a beggar on the road of God
May God fulfil his desire
With all your soul and with all your heart,
You must love.

It seems that is what I came here for. To love.
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